Ashley Sweet

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Company & Job Title

Caesars Entertainment – VIP Representative

LVIMA Member Since


Where is your favorite place? Why?

Disneyland. I love the immersive experience and the nostalgia of going there as a child with my family. 

What is your guilty pleasure?

Binging shows on Netflix

What is your favorite quote?

“I believe, every day, you should have at least one exquisite moment. “-Audrey Hepburn

iPhone or Android?


If you could pass on words of wisdom to someone in the beginning stages of their career, what would you share with them?

I’m definitely in the beginning stages of my career, but so far I think its better to be open minded and take on any new experience that is offered. You never know what else can be fulfilling or valuable to you professionally/personally if you give it a try.

How do you balance your personal life and work life?

This is something I have not quite mastered yet. But I believe even if its 10 mins or 2 hours you should always have moments where you put your attention on something that you are passionate about whether it’s an activity, hobby, or a loved one.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Creative, Empathetic, Open-minded

What is your favorite thing about LVIMA?

I love that there is a platform where you build connections with other marketing professionals.