Soléil McCants

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What do you do? Company, Job Title, or LinkedIn Headline.

SEM Specialist at Caesars Entertainment

Quick! TikTok or Instagram?


Hook us up! Which places are you loving for takeout/delivery?

Family Soul is a great soul food place. Try the collard greens & yam egg rolls. You will slap yo mama

Fun in Quarantine Times? What are some ways you’re making lemonade from lemons?

Discovered a real passion for cooking.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

“Take the reins of your calling. It’s not Ordinary, it’s Extraordinary”

What is your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate because it’s a great listener and never judges.

What is the app you wish someone would invent?

An app to connect to the afterlife to speak with loved ones.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Authentic, Confident, Soléilicious

What is your favorite thing about LVIMA?

Digital Planning Days, learning about the various vendors and how they can help take our brands higher, and now the virtual events to stay connected during these times.